As of Late: September 2017
7:42:00 PM
Anyhow, here is my as of late entry for this month:
MAKING: lists of what to do on my son's birthday
DRINKING: Pineapple Juice
READING: Metrodeal's various promo
WANTING: more time to sleep
LOOKING: for a good deal
PLAYING: Over October's songs
WASTING: moolah hahaha
WISHING: for more moolah to buy STARBUCKS TUMBLERS
ENJOYING: quality time with my son
WAITING: for my son to finish his assignments
LIKING: the fact that we have newbie soon at work (hopefully less workload for me)
WONDERING: what to do on my son's birthday
LOVING: Running Man
HOPING: to spend more time and travel with my family
MARVELLING: when will we finally finish our plans for our condo
NEEDING: more rest
SMELLING: myself hahaha
WEARING: my pajammies from Mama
NOTICING: I need a new haircut
KNOWING: I need to avoid having a haircut and let my hair grow longer for a change
THINKING: to resign and look for a dayshift work HAHAHAHA
COVETING: for more Starbucks Tumblers
OPENING: random files
WATCHING: the Running Man
FEELING: tired